还来得急在5月里送上着帖子。这是我大宝贝的生日蛋糕,是在5月13日,也是母亲节的那天,所以每次都会一起庆祝。迟来的祝福; 母亲们快乐!
原本她要的是3D 多啦美,哈哈。。因为我在菜市场买回来又大,又甜,又香的strawberry,真的是大哦!(可能我 "sua ku"吧!)我见意她不如我们做strawberry cheese cake,就这样做了我第2个cotton cheese cake。(嘻。嘻。其实是我想要吃。。)
这次是很成功!我把蛋糕分成三份夹上strawberry cheese cream。
A) strawberry fresh milk ~ 260ml
cream cheese (cut into small pcs ) ~250gm
butter (cut into small pcs ) ~90gm
B)cornflour ~ 20gm
cake flour ~ 40gm
egg yolk (light whisk ) ~ 6pcs
C)fine sugar ~ 120gm
cream of tartar ~1/4tsp
egg white ~ 6pcs
Method :
1) dissolve (Ing A )in a double boiler, stir constantly until smooth ,leave to cool.
2)combine (Ing B) mix well.
3)whisk (Ing C )until peak foam.
4)mix egg white ( Ing C ) into cheese mixture ( Ing A,B )with a spatula.
5)pour batter into 10" lined square cake tin.
6)bake at preheat oven 150`c with water bath for 1 hour 10 mins.